Monday, August 25, 2008

Kelly Short and Natural

Kelly was in to see Paul today.  She has natural curls and with this cut she can wash and go.  Kelly has a very natural fresh look and this cut is perfect for her.

Cyndi Beautiful Red Hair

This was the week for sisters.    Brian cut both Kym and Cyndi, who are actually twins, into stunning sleek styles.  Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of Kym, who has very pretty blonde hair.  Both girls are former students at New College.

Susan and Judy

First Susan came to the salon for Melvyn to cut her hair.  She left and within a very short time on the same day, her sister Judy was in for a cut with Brian.  What great looking women with their very updated hair cuts!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Ruth has been growing her hair for the past few months and it has finally reached a length that her hair really likes.  She has great curls and a great smile!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

CURLY HAIR A New Client and Mom To Be

This was Mindy's first visit to the salon.  Today she was with Kristin for color and with me for a cut.  Kristin put a bronze highlight throughout Mindy's hair.  Kristin has the know how and patience to apply highlights to hair that has multiple colors on the shaft from the root to the end. The highlights came out a beautiful caramel color.  For the cut, Mindy likes to keep her hair long so she can pull it up in the summer heat, not to mention how stunning she looks when the long curls are falling around her face.    


Andrea has been a client for a few years now.  We have gone through a variety of colors and cuts.  Today we colored her hair.  The medium brown outgrowth was really showing through the blonde ends.  The look was interesting, but needed to be refined a bit so it didn't just look like a young woman badly in need of a touch up.  I chose her base color for the lowlights and high lift lightener for the highlights.  I foiled the entire head with mostly lowlights, adding a few highlights mostly in the front.  Believe it not this head is full of level 5 lowlights, that is what gives the blonde the depth and richness.  We finished it off with a Butter Creme gloss.  Andrea is a make up artist with Estee Lauder in St. Pete.  I have to thank Andrea for the gazillion clients she has sent to me over the years.  A day doesn't go by that she isn't asked, "Who does your hair?"  Thanks Andrea!!


This is the first stage of Miranda's new look.  I cut it today and next week, I have to say this very quietly......Miranda will get a Perm.....or should I say we will texturize her hair.  Perm is no longer an acceptable word.  She has an affinity for the 70's, the clothes, the hair, the music, everything 70's.  So now we are working on a 70's hair style.  Miranda is an artist, model, Dr. to the coffee junkies at the Olive Oil Company and her latest is "tambourine girl" in a band.  Look for Miranda's new look next week.  Actually, I really like this cut on her as it is.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Two Mom's One Already and One Soon-to-Be

First is Stacey, our already Mom.  Stacey came to the salon today with something new in mind.  Brian gave her the best of both worlds, a smooth well shaped neckline for the straighter part of her hair on the neckline and the remainder was left to curl as it likes to do.  Beautiful cut and the freedom of a "wash and go" cut.


Next is Carrie, our soon- to- be Mom.  Carrie was also ready for a change, something that would be easy to care for but have distinct lines.  I cut Carries hair very close for easy maintenance, but left length on the sides and nape.  Unfortunately my camera ran out of battery before I could snap a picture of the back, which was very interesting.  The left side of the bang was left long, which we will continue to grow for a more dramatic look later on.